Premio Artis Suavitas 2024
In February 2020, the first edition of Artis Suavitas Civitas was held at the Historical Archaeological Museum of Nola, as it represents a real gem of that priceless artistic and cultural heritage of which our territory is remarkably endowed.
The prestigious names, identified by the Scientific Committee, who received the Artis Suavitas Award 2020: Antonio Nocera, undisputed Icon of Italian Art, Giuseppe Picone, International Ètoile and Choreographer, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics by direct call in 2018 at the University of Naples Federico II who with her studies contributed to "taking the photo of the century", having been among the protagonists of the research that led to the first image of a black hole.
30 giugno 2024
Parco Archeologico di Avella | Anfiteatro Romano
Natale al Santobono 2023
“un libro per un sorriso”
In February 2020, the first edition of Artis Suavitas Civitas was held at the Historical Archaeological Museum of Nola, as it represents a real gem of that priceless artistic and cultural heritage of which our territory is remarkably endowed.
The prestigious names, identified by the Scientific Committee, who received the Artis Suavitas Award 2020: Antonio Nocera, undisputed Icon of Italian Art, Giuseppe Picone, International Ètoile and Choreographer, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics by direct call in 2018 at the University of Naples Federico II who with her studies contributed to "taking the photo of the century", having been among the protagonists of the research that led to the first image of a black hole.
20 dicembre 2023
Ospedale Santobono Pausilipon, Napoli (NA)
Premio Artis Suavitas 2023
During the day of Wednesday 19 April, around 500 students, from various primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools, were welcomed at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii for a dive into the past.
Led by Caius Pliny II, known as Pliny the Elder, they officially inaugurated the IV Edition of Artis Suavitas Civitas, which year after year brings thousands of young people closer to culture with the aim of setting virtuous circles in motion.
The IV Edition ofArtis Suavitas Civitas Award will culminate in the extraordinary and evocative setting of theRoman Amphitheater of the Archaeological Excavations of Pompeii on 30 June.
19 aprile - 30 giugno 2023
Anfiteatro Romano, Parco Archeologico di Pompei (NA)
Premio Artis Suavitas 2022
National and international excellences from the world of arts, culture and entrepreneurship met at the Royal Palace with Artis Suavitas Civitas, three days full of meetings, initiatives and events with one great goal: to encourage intergenerational dialogue on current issues.
The edition ended with the delivery of the Artis Suavitas Awards, conducted by the Rai presenter Veronica Maya who welcomed on stage excellent personalities including Piero Angela, Pupi Avati and Oscar Farinetti.
The scholarship was then awarded to the deserving graduate selected from the Luca Orlando competition announcement, offered by the Artis Suavitas Aps Association with the support of the Marican Group which allowed him to access a II level Master's degree in a Campania University .
28-29-30 giugno
Palazzo Reale, Napoli (NA)
Natale al Santobono
"Un libro per un sorriso"
Event dedicated to the children of the Santobono Pausilipon hospital, trying to comfort those who, in a moment of celebration as special as Christmas, are forced to live the experience of hospitalization.
The event was created in collaboration with the Santobono Pausilipon onlus Foundation, recreating a place where children had the opportunity to choose their favorite book from a "special bookshop", simply paying for it with a smile.
Dal 8 Dicembre 2021 al 6 Gennaio 2022
22 Dicembre 2022
Ospedale Santobono Pausilipon, Napoli (NA)
Premio Artis Suavitas 2021
Eccellenze nazionali e internazionali del mondo delle Arti, della Cultura e dell’Imprenditoria si sono ritrovati al Palazzo Reale con Artis Suavitas Civitas, tre giornate ricche di incontri, iniziative ed eventi, con un unico grande obiettivo: favorire il dialogo intergenerazionale su tematiche di attualità.
La serata si è conclusa con la consegna dei Premi Artis Suavitas 2022, condotta dalla presentatrice Rai Veronica Maya, con eccellenze assolute del mondo dell’Arte, della Cultura e dell’Imprenditoria, come Piero Angela (Giornalista e Divulgatore scientifico), Pupi Avati (regista), Oscar Farinetti (imprenditore), inoltre, il laureato meritevole Luca Orlando premiato con una borsa di studio, messa a disposizione dall’Associazione Artis Suavitas Aps con il sostegno del Gruppo Marican, eccellenza produttiva del Mezzogiorno, che gli consentirà di accedere ad un Master di II livello in un Ateneo della Campania.
30 giugno 2021
Refettorio della Certosa e Museo di San Martino (Napoli)
Palazzo Abbaziale del Loreto di Montevergine, Mercogliano (AV)
Premio Artis Suavitas 2020
In February 2020, the first edition of Artis Suavitas Civitas was held at the Historical Archaeological Museum of Nola, as it represents a real gem of that priceless artistic and cultural heritage of which our territory is remarkably endowed.
The prestigious names, identified by the Scientific Committee, who received the Artis Suavitas Award 2020: Antonio Nocera, undisputed Icon of Italian Art, Giuseppe Picone, International Ètoile and Choreographer, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics by direct call in 2018 at the University of Naples Federico II who with her studies contributed to "taking the photo of the century", having been among the protagonists of the research that led to the first image of a black hole.
5 febbraio 2020
Museo Storico Archeologico, Nola (NA)

Meetings, initiatives and events